lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011


I really love spending time in shopping centres.
I love it because I like shopping clothes, and spending a day there, with my sister and my mother.I usually go with them, and I prefer it because when I go with my friends, my parents give me less money so I buy less clothes .
In shopping centres, I enjoy a lot when I go to the cinema and I see different films,but sometimes, I see films which are boring, and I have to leave the cinema and go to the shops again.
 So, I have a good time buying clothes with my parents in the shopping centres, but when I see films, I go with my friends.

lunes, 25 de abril de 2011


I would like to live in one of the best cities in Spain:Santander.

Santander is a very beautiful city.It has got different beaches, like Sardinero Beach, the most important.His beaches aren't very big, but you can choose between them.The water is cold, but it is better, because in summer, you want to cool down, so it isn't a problem.People, who love peace and be quiet , can relax in the beach or can sit on a bench in a walk in front of the sea.

Santander has a peninsula called La Magdalena, where there is a royal palace.From there, you can see the cliffs and the different beaches.In the peninsula there isn't a zoo, but a similar place, where you can find animals as seales.

Santander is a great city, so if you prefer learning about the story, you can visit the cathedral, the oldest building in the city.

Santander has got a good gastronomy with a lot of fish.There are expensive and cheap restaurants.

About its towns, there are very beautiful and you can find important things.For example, Santillana del mar has the Altamira's caves.There, people found ancient paintings.Now, you can't see the copies of them. 

People are very friendly and cheerful, so you spend a good time there.

I would like to visit Santander again.I went last summer and I enjoy it a lot.

martes, 15 de febrero de 2011


I was born in Coria,4th November 1994.Since them, I have lived with my parents and my siter in Coria.When I was 3, I went to "La Alianza", a school .I met my best friend Ángela there.I had different teachers, but my favourite teachers were Mª Carmen and Esther.Next, I went to the state secundary school,Rodrigo Caro.Since I was little to now, I have gone to my country at weekends, where I've enjoyed with my cousins, we have ridden horses,we have played with the animals and we've raised bullfights with beer..
 In the future I would like to work like a doctor.


My grandfather's name is Abelardo.He was born in Coria del río, 25th December 1928.He had a humble family.His parents had a restaurant called "Bar Mariano".He went to a public school, while he helped them in the restaurant.Next, he finished to study, but some years later, he began to study again.It was because he saw the students who went to the restaurant,and he said:If they can do that, me too, so his father called Juan , talked with the teacher Vicente Neira and he went to the school again.After that , he went to the university to study Medicine, but it wasn't easy for him,because his parents didn't have much money and he had to work to pay it.He studied a lot, and finally he became a doctor.He worked like a doctor in Las Navas, but it isn't all.He wanted to be a dentist, so he studied it in Madrid.When he went to Madrid, he has already got married with Remedios, my grandmother,and he had a daughter, called Carmen(my mum) and a son called Abelardo,too.He stayed there some years.Later, they came back to Coria,where he had another daughter called Toñi, and another son, Francisco.He set up a clinic in Coria, where he worked the next years.
Nowadays, he is 82 years old,so he doesn't work.He has five grandaughters and one grandson.He enjoys all days with us.
I wanted to write about my grandfather's life because he is an important person for me.I admire him because he had a difficult life and he could solve his problems.He has taught me a sentence:If you want, you can.I really love him.